The Slovak developer OMC Invest sro participates in Opočno on a working pilot project of starting apartments for car factory employees in Kvasiny in the Czech Republic.


For more than a year, a pilot project of starting flats has been in operation for employees of the car factory in Kvasiny. In Opočno, start-up flats were created for the core employees of the yeast automaker. It is a pilot cooperation of the largest employer in the region, the town hall and a private developer. The aim is to ensure decent housing for plant workers and for the city in the future and possible influx of residents.

The project merged a private developer OMC Invest, which bought from the city dwellings under construction, completed them and in cooperation with the car factory provides them to employees.

Managing Director of OMC Invest Mário Červenka talks about establishing cooperation with the town and the car factory “Originally, there should have been apartments in the locality for both local and non-local people. However, the company that started their construction, went bankrupt and the city did not have the money for the completion. The mayor of Opočno village asked the car company whether they could help them and build some accommodation facility in the village. The mayor offered them these houses under construction. The automaker agreed with us about the completion of the flats, which we put in the state in which they are now. We manage the houses and flats that are rented to the company's employees. "

In most of the flats live employees from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, or Ukraine, some with their families.

"Of course, employees are also coming from more distant regions and that is why we are very pleased for this project, which we have established here together with the city of Opočno and the developer," says Jiří Bartoň, head of the human resources department of the Kvasin plant.

„Living together is much quieter than in traditional dormitories. “It has been working since May 2018. And during that time I can say that satisfaction is really great. People are grateful for this type of accommodation and they are trying to avoid any problems because they do not want to lose this accommodation. At the slightest hint of a problem, the employee's contract is terminated. "

"The key message of the whole project is that the private and public sector, or the city, and the contractor can work in a high-quality relationship."

The aim of the town hall is that part of the population of starting apartments in the city would remain permanently.

A private developer would also like to offer such a project to car makers in Slovakia. He is also considering the construction of rental homes for employees of such companies to make them feel at home.